19-Corimax Violet E5B02 пигментийн ягаан
Technical parameters of Pigment violet 19
Өнгөний индекс дугаар. | Пигментийн ягаан 19 |
Бүтээгдэхүүний нэр | Corimax Violet E5B02 |
Бүтээгдэхүүний ангилал | Органик пигмент |
Хөнгөн хурд (бүрэх) | 7-8 |
Дулаан эсэргүүцэл (бүрэх) | 200 |
Хөнгөн хурд (хуванцар) | 7-8 |
Дулаан эсэргүүцэл (хуванцар) | 280 |
Өнгө | ![]() |
Hue түгээлт |
Автомашины будаг, архитектурын будаг, аж үйлдвэрийн будаг, нунтаг будаг, хэвлэх зуурмаг, PVC, резин, PS, PP, PE, PU, офсет бэх, усан суурьтай бэх, уусгагч бэх, хэт ягаан туяаны бэх зэргийг санал болгож байна.
Ороомог бүрхүүлд хэрэглэж болно.
Холбогдох мэдээлэл
There are 128 kinds of commercial formulation brands of the pigment. β - quinacridone gives red light and purple, similar to p.r.88, with excellent light resistance and heat stability; it is used in high-grade industrial coatings, color matching with inorganic pigments such as iron oxide red and molybdenum red, transparent type can be used in metal decorative paint; it can also be used in plastics such as PVC and Pur, and can withstand 300 ℃ in polyolefin. The light fastness of γ - type is slightly lower than that of β - type, but it has higher transparency; the light fastness of γ - type with coarse particle size is excellent, which is suitable for outdoor paint coloring; it can be used for high-grade metal decorative printing ink, matching with p.r.122, which is close to the standard red tone, the light fastness of printing sample is 6-7, and the heat resistance is 190 ℃ / 10min, which is used for laminating plastic film and PP original pulp coloring, etc.
Физик ба химийн шинж чанар:
Solubility: Hue or light: purple, yellow light, red
Relative density: 1.5-1.8
Bulk density / (lb / gal): 12.6-14.8
Melting point / ℃: 310-> 400
Average particle size / μm: 0.05-0.1
Particle shape: purple / cubic
Specific surface area / (m2 / g): 22-85 pH value / (10% slurry): 6.5-9 Oil absorption / (g / 100g): 40-70
Хамрах хүч: ил тод төрөл
Synthesis: Commonly used synthetic technology is diethyl succinate, which is reacted in sodium ethoxide medium to produce hydroquinone hydroquinone-2,5-dicarboxylic acid ethyl ester, or hydroquinone-2 DMSS, Dimethyl succinylosuccinate; and then condensation reaction with aniline, after ring closure and oxidation reaction; crude quinacridone was prepared, and pigmentation treatments such as solvent and grinding were used to obtain different Crystal form β- or γ-type pigment violet 19.
C.I. 46500; C.I. Pigment Violet 19; Cinquasia red; QUINACRIDONE RED; QUINACRIDONE VIOLET; CI 73900; Linear quinacridone; CI Pigment Red 122; Cinquasia B-RT 796D; Cinquasia Red B; Cinquasia Red Y; Cinquasia Red Y-RT 759D; Cinquasia Violet; Cinquasia Violet R; Cinquasia Violet R-RT 791D; Dark violet; E 3B Red; Fastogen Super Red BN; Fastogen Super Red YE; HSDB 6136; Hostaperm Red E 3B; Hostaperm Red E 5B; Hostaperm Red Violet ER; Hostaperm Red Violet ER 02; Hostapern Red Violet ER; Linear trans quinacridone; Monastral Red; Monastral Red B; Monastral Red Y; Monastral Violet 4R; Monastral Violet R; Monastrol Red Y; NSC 316165; PV Fast Red E 3B; PV Fast Red E 5B; PV-Fast Red E3B; PV-Fast Red E5B; Paliogen Red BG; Permanent Magenta; Permanent Red E 3B; Permanent Red E 5B; Pigment Pink Quinacridone S; Pigment Quinacridone Red; Pigment Violet #19; Pigment Violet Quinacridone; Quinacridone; Quinacridone Red MC; Quinacridone Violet MC; Red E 3B; Sunfast Red 19; Sunfast Violet; Quino(2,3-b)acridine-7,14-dione, 5,12-dihydro-; Pigment Violet 19; Pigment Violet 19 γ; Pigment Violet 19 β.
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